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Product Sales

The Scout Law teaches Scouts to be thrifty, and earn their own way. 


The Atlanta Area Council offers a variety of ways for Scouts to raise funds to pay for their Scouting experience. Through Popcorn and Camp Card sales, Scouts have the opportunity to earn their way in Scouting while gaining confidence, learning salesmanship and attaining a sense of accomplishment.

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Popcorn Sale (August - November)


Every Scout should learn the value of hard work and earning their own way. The popcorn sale is the perfect opportunity to teach this valuable life lesson and fund the most exciting year of Scouting ever. Over 70% of the popcorn sale supports your program and local Scouting!


The Atlanta Area Council does all the pre-work to set up the sale, eliminating the need for your Unit to research opportunities, calculate returns on sales, create sales and promotional materials, manage a relationship with a vendor, etc. The popcorn sale also helps the council raise money for summer camps, offering more extensive training for our volunteer leaders and members, and creating new and exciting programs for your Scouts. 


Scouts gain confidence, salesmanship and communication skills, and a sense of accomplishment.  The popcorn sale is not just about selling popcorn; it’s also about promoting Scouting and the Scouting ideals!  Remember, you're not selling're selling Scouting with a free gift!​

If you haven’t already signed up to participate in the sale, please go ahead and register your unit HERE


Have questions?  Need help?  Have no fear, our Product Sales Chair is here!  Sharon Hudson would be happy to help you and answer all of your popcorn-related questions.  Email Sharon at


Keep your eyes peeled for more information soon.


To visit the Council Popcorn page, please click HERE.

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Camp Card Sale (February - April)


Camp Cards are discount cards to businesses around Atlanta that your Scouts can use as a fundraiser for Scouting activities. For every $10.00 card sold, your Scout earns $5.00 for themselves or their Troop. These funds can be used for any Scouting activity including Day Camp and Summer Camp.


Camp Cards are an excellent way for Scouts to earn their way to camp. These cards, created in partnership with local and national businesses, offer discounts to supporters of Scouting who purchase the Camp Card. Cards are sold by Scouts to members of their community. Profits from these cards are split evenly between the council and the individual Scout. The funds a Scout earns can be used towards Summer Camp or other Scouting activities. 


Units participating in this program will earn 50% commission ($5) for each $10 Camp Card they sell. The sale begins in February and ends in April.


Have questions?  Need help?  Have no fear, our Product Sales Chair is here!  Sharon Hudson would be happy to help you and answer all of your camp card-related questions.  Email Sharon at


Keep your eyes peeled for more information soon.


To visit the Council Camp Card page, please click HERE.


Have your own Fundraising Idea?


A Unit must submit a Unit Money Earning Application to the Council prior to any fundraiser.  The application should be submitted to the office or District Executive at least two weeks in advance of the fundraiser.

Whenever your Unit is planning a money-earning project, be sure to refer to the BSA’s “Guides to Unit Money Earning Projects” as your guide.  It will be helpful to you as you fill out the application.  If your answer is yes to all the questions in this document, it is likely the project conforms to Scouting’s standards and will be approved.  For more information, consult our District Executives.

To download the "Unit Money-Earning Application", click HERE.

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