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Silver Comet District Executive's Page

Silver Comet has the BEST District Executives around!  

Take a moment and get to know our Silver Comet DE's.


Lead District Executive: Annie Roberts

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District Executive: Samuel Aguilar

 Sam serves with Annie Roberts, and is responsible for providing leadership in starting new Cub Scout Packs, Scouts BSA Troops, and Venturing Crews in the Southern part of the District.


Sam graduated from the University of Georgia in Athens, Georgia with a master’s degree in public administration. He was the previous Workforce Development Director at Corners Outreach, a 501(c)(3) organization equipping Metro Atlanta's underserved students of color and their families to lead full lives through educational development and economic opportunities.

Annie is responsible for providing Unit-Serving leadership to Cub Scout Packs, Scouts BSA Troops, and Venturing Crews in the Kennesaw, Acworth, Northern Marietta, and the North part of Powder Springs.


Her responsibilities include support for our youth recruiting efforts and fundraising including Friends of Scouting, the Trail’s End Popcorn sale and the Camp Card sale. One of her primary roles is to lead the cultivation and recruitment of volunteers.


Annie graduated from the University of Georgia in Athens, Georgia with a degree in Business Management and a Certificate in Nonprofit Management and Leadership. She has been involved in volunteer work since before the age of fourteen and has worked with Columbus Hospice.

Updates from our District Executives




The Boy Scouts of America offers an online charter renewal process for units. All units currently registered with the BSA need to complete this process on a yearly basis. This year a scouting unit can pay for returning members or new members before 7/31/2023. If you have scouts that joined on or after 8/1/2023 they will auto populate on your roster.



Charter Renewal Resources (Boy Scouts of America)


If you have recharter questions please feel free to reach out to our Commissioner Staff.

Membership Fees

This is just a reminder that our National Council is only offering a yearlong subscription. The current rates are as follows:


Youth - $80

 Adult - $60

 First time processing fee - $25


All new members and current members renewing will be a 12-month membership and their renewal month will be the anniversary date of joining (or renewing if they were already members).


Charter renewal will remain the same through the December 2023 recharter cycle and then, in March 2024 the unit renewal changes will be implemented.


Cub Scout Program Updates - Fun, Simple, Easy!


Over the past several years the National Cub Scouting Committee under the leadership of past chair Lisa Wylie and current chair Audrey Oakes has identified four areas to improve the Cub Scout program to ensure that it is fun, simple, and easy.


Cub Scout Adventures have been improved to make it easier to deliver the program to multi-rank dens or as a Pack.  To earn each rank in Cub Scouting will require a Cub Scout to earn the six required Adventures and two elective Adventures.   Required Adventures reflect the aims and focus areas of the BSA.  The number of elective Adventures increases.


Webelos and Arrow of Light will be separated.  Webelos becomes the 4th-grade program in Cub Scouting.  Arrow of Light becomes a stand-alone badge of rank for 5th graders and will no longer be associated with Webelos.  Arrow of Light will be the program that prepares Cub Scouts to join Scouts BSA.


Check this link for more information:   Cub Scout Program Updates Announced | Boy Scouts of America (


Friends of Scouting


The Boy Scouts of America (BSA) provides the nation’s foremost youth program of character development and values-based leadership training, which helps young people be “Prepared. For Life.®” Here in Atlanta, we serve over 20,000 youth with premier programs, camp properties, resources for District Day Camps, Insurance for events and outings, Weekend Events, Registration Assistance, Uniform Assistance, subsidize the cost of summer camp and more.


Friends of Scouting Allows our district, Silver Comet, and the Atlanta Area Council to deliver the promise, aims, and methods of scouting with the largest impact in our scouts’ lives. Annie and I will be contacting you to schedule your unit presentation in the coming weeks.


You can also utilize this link to schedule your presentation: 2024 Friends of Scouting Presentation

Additionally, gifts to the Friends of scouting Silver Comet Campaign can be made here: Thank you for your support!

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