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Seeking to fill girl's patrol to Scotland!

The Atlanta Area Council is seeking girls from local Scouts BSA troops or Venturing crews who are interested in attending the Blair Atholl Patrol Jamborette in Scotland in July 2024.

The boys patrol is already full, and now they need to find some ladies!

Come explore castles and see where Braveheart came alive. Camp for ten days on the grounds of Blair Castle in a blended Scottish-American patrol in one of six international subcamps. 500 Scottish Explorer Scouts will camp alongside Scouts from around the world, working as a dual patrol of 12, in one of six subcamps. The Atlanta Contingent will consist of approximately two American patrols (6 boys, 6 girls).

Make friends with scouts from around the world. Attend a cèilidh and a country fair. Enjoy Fish ‘n Chips, Haggis, Neeps & Tatties, Stovies, and other Scottish foods and wash it all down with some Irn Bru.

Participate in a variety of exciting activities:

• Hiking and Canyoning

• Climbing and Abseiling (rappelling)

• Rafting, Fishing, and Water Sports

• Orienteering, Pioneering, Geocaching, and Extreme Survival

• Living History, Global Development, and Celtic Connections

• Fencing, All-Terrain Boarding, Archery, and Mountain Biking

• Treks and Tours of the area

Spend 5 days prior to the Jamborette exploring Scotland and learning about the people, the culture, and the history of this beautiful land.

Open to Scouts and Venture Scouts (male and female) who are at least 14 but no older than 18 by July 15, 2024

Approximate cost: $2,500 depending on air fares, exchange rates, etc.

“Haste ye back to Blair Atholl!”

Applications of intent and$100 deposit must be submitted by October 31, 2023.

For full Jamborette details about the event go to

Questions? Email Dr. Briick at


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