Join us as we celebrate 100 years of Scouting in Smyrna....
2024 marks the Centennial Celebration of one of the oldest, continuously-operating Troops in Silver Comet. Chartered by Log Cabin Community Sunday School just nine years after the formation of the Atlanta Area Council, Troop 1 in Smyrna, GA joined the Scouting movement in February 1924. By modeling the values of Scouting and the Scout Oath and Scout Law, Troop 1 has had a rich history of service, leadership, and outdoor exploration.
The Troop is marking this tremendous accomplishment and momentous occasion with a celebration the likes you've never seen before...and they want each and every one of you to share it!
Sunday, March 24th
2845 Log Cabin Drive SE
Smyrna, GA 30039
3 pm - 5 pm
There is no cost to attend, but an RSVP would be greatly appreciated.
Please RSVP at the event link, located HERE